Pick up Ariel Starter Pack from your Support Hub, search some local businesses in the target area and make a rough day plan.
Learning how to pitch and sell to business owners, engaging with the general public.
Engaging with new areas of the community, finding new services, discovering new places.
Catching public transport to a new location of Newcastle each week and navigating new areas.
Exploring new areas on foot, getting your daily steps in while working hard and having fun.
Working toward a movement that will benefit all people with disabilities across Australia.
Participants will receive a certificate and letter of completion for the Ariel Local Legends Program that can be shown to future employers.
Pick up Ariel Starter Pack from your Support Hub, search some local businesses in the target area and make a rough day plan.
Drive or (even better) navigate public transport to target area (e.g. Cooks Hill) and head to your first business of the day.
Open up your Local Legends checklist on your phone & assess the business's accessibility by checking off the list and capturing photos.
Ask to speak to the business owner/ manager/staff and show them your accessibility assessment. Follow script available on the Local Legends Checklist and make sure all fields are completed.
Don't forget to thank them for their time!
Our target businesses are all businesses in our community. We are trying to make our entire community accessible for people with disabilities, so we need every business to practice inclusion for that to happen.
• Access
• Business
• Community Groups
• Supports & Advocacy
• Crisis Services
• Employment Services
• Health & Wellness
• Recreation & Leisure
• Therapy & Assessment
• Daily Living
• Equipment & Technology
• Hospitality
• Retail
•Travel & Tourism
• Education
• Events
• Medical
If you’re interested in becoming a Ariel Allie and you would like some more information fill out your information below and we’ll get in contact with you as soon as possible.