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Ariel Ally: Super-Rory

In a world where hope can sometimes feel elusive, there are extraordinary individuals who shine brightly, spreading positivity and inspiration wherever they go. One such beacon of light is Rory Piper, better known by his alter ego, Super-Rory.

Ariel Community Team
4 min


In a world where hope can sometimes feel elusive, there are extraordinary individuals who shine brightly, spreading positivity and inspiration wherever they go. One such beacon of light is Rory Piper, better known by his alter ego, Super-Rory. As an Ambassador for Ariel Community and the Ariel App, Rory dons his literal cape to champion disability inclusion and advocacy.

With a rich background in IT and a heart full of compassion, Rory has dedicated his life to making a difference, one cape at a time. Through his journey, Super-Rory has not only transformed his passion into action but has also become a symbol of kindness, resilience, and boundless potential. Join us as we delve into the story of Super-Rory, exploring his origins, his current endeavors, and his vision for a future where everyone belongs.

1. Who is Rory Piper? Can you share a little about yourself and your background?

I have been working in the IT industry since leaving school, firstly doing seven years in Apple Premium Resellers before Apple Stores were created in Australia and then got into ICT teams in P-12 Private Schools. I always had a passion also for Design and Media which is what I originally planned to do when I finished school.

2. What sparked your passion for disability inclusion and advocacy?

Doing my first Sony Foundation Children’s Holiday Camp in 2013 and seeing the fun enjoyment the kids had and seeing the different activities bringing these kids out of their comfort zone.

3. What/who is Super Rory? Can you share the Super Rory 'origin story'?

Super-Rory is my alter ego just like Clark Kent is to Superman. I created Super-Rory in 2014 to be part of the Committee and IT and Media Team Leader for Sony Foundation Children’s Holiday Camp from 2014-2019. I needed to have this alter ego to keep my IT job at the schools I worked for separate from this fun camp every year. Since then I have teamed up with Blowfly Cricket to be a volunteer superhero, coach, fundraiser and wherever else I can assist.

4. What are you currently working on with Super Rory?

2024, this year marks 10 years since I created this alter ego and wanted to make more of a bigger year. I started the year with rebranding to my own look and created a logo which was mine. Then I commenced with getting a web presence with a website and social media, trialling first with LinkedIn and more socials to follow.

I am also working with Blowfly Cricket more to be involved where I can from all ranges of volunteering and also being a supporter and ambassador for ALVIE app and ARIEL Community app. I also still support the Sony Foundation by getting involved in City2Surf to raise money for the Children’s Holiday Camp Program.

5. Where do you see yourself going with Super Rory and your advocacy work in the future?

My goal as Super-Rory for now and future, is to pave the way for a future where kindness knows no bounds, and every child's potential is recognised and cherished. Together, we can make a world where everyone belongs.  Spreading hope, One cape at a time!

Which may mean getting more organisations and associations to be involved with working with all people with disabilities and special needs.

6. Alongside being a partner with Ariel Community, you are an ambassador for a variety of other incredible disability focussed initiatives. Could you please share a little about those and the impact they are making to break down barriers and promote inclusion for people with disability in Australia?

I am currently supporting and an ambassador the following causes and projects:

Sony Foundation - The Children's Holiday Camp Program is a unique respite program that sees high school and university students take on the responsibility for the care of children with disabilities, allowing their families to have a valuable weekend off!

READ MORE: https://www.sonyfoundation.org/what-we-do/childrens-holiday-camps

BlowFly Cricket is a friendly, accepting, non-judgmental, safe and caring all-ability, inclusive grassroots cricket club that caters for children, adolescents, and adults living with special needs and/or intellectual and physical disabilities of all abilities, ages, genders, races, and cultures.

READ MORE: https://www.blowflycricket.com/

Alvie, the app, matches people with common interests, making it much easier to connect with others. We’ve created a program that can match you with people who enjoy the same things as you.

READ MORE: https://alvie.com.au/

Through his alter ego Super-Rory, Rory, has demonstrated how passion, dedication, and a touch of superhero flair can make a profound impact on the lives of those with disabilities. To learn more about Super-Rory and his inspiring work, visit his website. If you're interested in becoming an ambassador for Ariel and contributing to our mission of inclusion, reach out to the Ariel team through our contact page. Let's join Rory in spreading hope, one cape at a time!

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Ariel Community Team

The Ariel Community Team are dedicated to delivering innovative products to improve disability inclusion throughout Australia.

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